Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.30.2020 (1594 days ago)

New Dream

New Dream
1594 days ago 23 comments Categories: Health Tags:

As a follow up to my recent Recurring Dreams blog, last week I had a brand new dream.

I was running hard in a road race and I was on pace for a good time when I turned a corner and saw a long train (pictured) approaching an intersection at breakneck speed.

This is where my dream memory did not serve me.  I can’t remember what happened next,ie, did I stop, did I squeak by or...

Has anyone ever had this dream and if so what happened and what does it mean?

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The election is coming. Will be on the train or run over by it?

Posted By : michael wilson

The election is coming. Will be on the train or run over by it?

Posted By : michael wilson