09.24.2018 (2345 days ago)

New Beginnings

New Beginnings
2345 days ago 17 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


This is a blog that I have been waiting over a year to write. A little more than a year ago, I decided that it would be best for me to terminate my law partnership, sell the office condominium that my partner and I own, and reset my career path. At that time, I was uncertain as to how that new career path would look.



What astounded me most during this past year of decision making and change was the tremendous support I received from so many Gotham members. There were so many that I cannot list them all here. But I think you all know who you are. You all answered your cell phones immediately when I called.



I received incredible moral support as well as professional advice on issues such as selling the real estate, getting new office space, continuing malpractice insurance, telephone systems (which I was, admittedly, clueless about), and there were so many offers for me to jump into your office suites when we luckily found a purchaser who wanted a quick closing date. And a huge thank you to all the lawyers who readily answered all my questions about their practices and the different professional options I was considering; from a solo practice to returning to big firm practice.



I have now reached the other side of my decision making process. I have decided to maintain a solo practice as the Law Offices of Rona Gura, PC. ( I am in new office space (in the same building but that’s a topic for another blog) and am extremely excited about the future. And I am truly thankful for the part Gotham played in my journey.


So the next time you wonder what Gotham has done for you either read this blog or call me and I’d be happy to take the time to discuss it with you.

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