Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
04.16.2024 (325 days ago)

Never Would I Ever

Never Would I Ever
325 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Now, this is a blast from the past.


How many of you out there grew up with plastic slipcovers on the living room couch? 


If you are there with me, remember the whooshing noise they made when you sat down?  How about, what it felt like to stand up from the hot cushions in the heat of the summer?  Or, how the sharp edges on the corners felt just when they started to crack?


For some reason my parents thought it was a good idea to put a white silk couch in our living room.  Yes, children and a little dog too. Right on top of green shag  carpeting (but that is another story).


The sticky plastic slipcovers felt normal to me.  It was part of growing up and I wasn’t alone.  The furniture in lots of my friends’ houses were similarly packaged in plastic.


My last memory of that couch was when it was moved to the furniture cemetery to make room for a new cloth covered couch.  When we opened those plastic slipcovers, the white silk literally disintegrated to dust with the touch of fresh air.


Am I alone out there in this plastic memory?

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