Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.06.2013 (4264 days ago)


4264 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster? There are a lot of people who do and still want to after the lastest information sufaced. An Italian geologist has tied the "sightings" to geological shifts in the earth's crust.


One of Great Britain's largest freshwater lakes, Loch Ness, sits over a 62 mile fault line called Great Glenn.


The geologist, Luigi Piccardi, said "Loch Ness is exactly on the fault zone, when there are small shocks, it can create a commotion on the water surface. Along the fault there can be gas emissions, which can create large bubbles on the surface. There are many surface effects which can be linked to the activity of the fault."


Do you believe? (BTW this classic photo was proved to be a hoax)

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