Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.01.2021 (1261 days ago)


1261 days ago 21 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Up is down and down is up and negative is positive!

Say what?

2 weeks ago I went to a favorite restaurant with a bunch of friends (see last week’s blog for details) and we had a wonderful time!

However, the next day the bloom was off when the owner called to inform me that the order taker, who briefly sat at the table with us, had subsequently tested positive for Covid.  

I immediately informed all attendees and recommended testing.

We were all tested and the very good news is that all results came back negative and that’s why, to my mind, negative is positive (and we can’t let our guard down)!  

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