06.01.2014 (3920 days ago)


3920 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

There are nappers and non-nappers.  For me, napping is one of the great pleasures and typically it is part of my weekend, each day.  From what I have read, a nap is good for your health.


Most mammals nap throught the day.  We are the only ones with two periods during our twenty four hours, one being awake and the other for sleep.  I prefer to be like a big cat sometimes.  My only rule for a nap is that it has to be on a couch, not my bed, which does not apply in the event of illness. 


There is the power nap of course, when one is not planned but there may be ten to fifteen minutes for a quick snooze.  There is the planned nap, which often is after a very long bike ride.  There is the emergency nap, when fatigue is so overwhelming that I have to stop everything and close my eyes.  I don't like those.


And one of my favorites lately is the train nap.  I never used to nap on the train, I would usually read.  But on the way home after a long day I let the train rock me to sleep like a baby in a crib.  I have not missed my stop yet.



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