Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
09.23.2017 (2727 days ago)

Myths about the equinox

Myths about the equinox
2727 days ago 2 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Yesterday at 4:02PM marked the arrival of the autumnal equinox. In my never ending quest for truth, I googled it and found some interesting facts. (Remember, everything on the internet is true:)



Myth: You can stand a raw egg straight up on the day of the equinox.

Truth: If you have enough focus and patience, you can do this anytime of year.


Myth: There are equal hours of both day and night (12 hours).

Truth: The one place where you'd probably see the most equality between day and night is at the equator, somewhere like Quito, Ecuador.


Myth: Shadows cannot be cast at noon during the equinox.

Truth: Although the sun's new angle will change someone's shadow, the circumstance to allow a person's shadow to entirely disappear are almost impossible.


Enjoy the change of the seasons and I hope to see you at the Gotham picnic today.

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