Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.10.2014 (3806 days ago)

My Revelation

My Revelation
3806 days ago 18 comments Categories: Health Tags:

In addition to this weekly creative outlet I also utilize Facebook daily. Last week I posted the above photo along with the words "Until one has loved an animal part of their soul remains unawakened".

Truth be told, they are not my words, but the tag line of our Pet Insurance company.

Whatever their origin, these words muster up and describe an inner emotion that I did not know I harbored.  

As many know our female Schnoodle (Schnowser-Poodle) "Charcoal" came into our lives a year and a half ago and she has enriched us immensely.   

I never thought I would be a dog lover.  She has engendered a wonderful awakening!

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