10.01.2018 (2338 days ago)

My New Pen

My New Pen
2338 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

With everything that was going on in the news last week, I thought I'd use my blog to relay an act of kindness that I experienced.


I was on the train going into New York City last week when I first noticed it, I didn’t have a pen. I can blame the new handbag that I was carrying but that’s a blog for another day. I politely asked the person sitting next to me whether she had a pen that I could borrow. After searching her handbag-which was twice the size of mine-she realized that she didn’t have a pen either.


When I switched trains at Jamaica, I purposely sat in a four seater, hopeful to find a person willing to part with a pen. All three people sitting with me cordially looked for pens but no one acknowledged that they had an extra pen (one young man purposely tried to hide one from me).


I did not have the time to stop at a store to buy a pen after I exited the subway, I had to go straight to the courtroom. Luckily, the first man I sat down next to kindly offered me a very nice pen. And he insisted that I keep the pen.


I have that pen in my bag and will think of the kindness of that man every time I use it. Do you have any similar mementos?



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