03.16.2015 (3634 days ago)

My Missing Software

My Missing Software
3634 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I recently read an interesting article about facial recognition software. The article defined facial recognition software as “a computer application which automatically identifies or verifies a person’s identity.” When reading the article I realized that I, unlike many computers, have no internal facial recognition software. I can be introduced to someone, meet them again soon after in a different professional or social situation, and will not recognize them. I have often found myself uncomfortable when being warmly greeted by someone whom I do not recognize.

When this happens and I’m with my husband he gallantly saves me from embarrassment by offering his hand to the person and says, “I’m Philip and you are?” Without him, however, I’m left alone to explain to the individual that, unfortunately, I do not know who they are. While most people react graciously, I have had a few instances where people do not react kindly to my admission.

So, if we meet on the street and I do not know who you are, please do not be offended. I’m just missing some software.

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Posted By : hydrajet