03.10.2014 (4004 days ago)

My Longest Relationship

My Longest Relationship
4004 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A few weeks ago New York Magazine was in the news when it published an essay by Alec Baldwin wherein he gave his reasons as to why he was going to leave New York City. The essay was available on the internet prior to the publication of that week’s issue of the magazine. While my urge to read the essay online was strong, I was easily able to resist the temptation as I knew that my copy of New York Magazine would arrive in the mail on Monday.


My subscription to New York Magazine is one of the longest relationships I have had. I first began subscribing in 1987 when I moved out of my parents’ house in Long Island to my own apartment in Brooklyn Heights. At that time, my subscription to New York Magazine symbolized everything I wanted to be, a cool Heights dweller. (Remember those days Nancy?)


As my life progressed and I moved back to Long Island and had a family, other magazines came in and out of my life, i.e. Parents, Working Mother, but only my subscription to New York Magazine remained continuous. Through the years and all the changes in my life, it has been a constant for me and has kept me connected to the city. And while I have essentially given up print books for my kindle, I have totally resisted reading New York Magazine online.


Buried in the issue that contained the Baldwin essay- and probably overshadowed by notoriety of the essay- was a Letter from the Editors in which they announced that, starting with that issue, they were changing from a weekly format to a bi-weekly format. And while I recognize that this probably signals the beginning of the end of my printed magazine, I am still not ready to end my relationship. I will hold on to the end.


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