01.13.2014 (4060 days ago)

My Latest Addiction

My Latest Addiction
4060 days ago 8 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

I have recently “discovered” On Demand television. Through On Demand, my husband, stepson, and I have become huge fans of Homeland, having binge watched the entire first season during the recent blizzard weekend. We are about to begin season two. I have also discovered the television show, Episodes, and have found myself laughing out loud while watching the show.

The only drawback of our late discovery of these shows is the possibility of knowing what will occur in future episodes. Unfortunately, just in casual reading on Facebook and Twitter, my stepson and I both know how the third season of Homeland ends even though we are about to begin season two. Apparently, no one on Facebook believes in spoiler alerts.

What are you watching? Should I be watching it also?

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