Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
08.06.2017 (2769 days ago)

My Kind Woman

My Kind Woman
2769 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Grand Junction, Kind Woman, DeLIVErin'

My household changes in the summer.


When one works in a school for the NYC Department of Education aka NYC Public Schools, one generally enjoys most of the season without any work responsibilities; so it goes for “Mrs. B.”


Of course some exceptions exist to that rule but not here in Grand Junction, the name my daughter gave our home in a social media application (and I adopted since my fave band’s first LP includes a great instrumental by that name (It also appears a the middle song in the three-song “long medley” on their “DeLIVErin’ LP.) which thus goes nameless unless it agrees to pay for placement).


In contrast, some summers – the instant one included – involve more than outdoor concerts at free and paid venue for this correspondent; I often get to enjoy hiring out my expertise, knowledge and talent to some deserving candidate seeking election or re-election to public office; it includes the interesting hours that goes with that flow, especially on weekends or some otherwise slow to most others summer eves.


So when I may not find that time to water my yard and the carefully laid out “gardens” there, no worries; it it still gets looked after. Too busy to put together that perhaps healthier “lunch box” one puts together when you have those extra minutes, no worries; all I need do involves opening the fridge and grabbing a package better than anything I might pull together in other times of the year. No time to get to the bank or post office; it still gets done. More examples exist....


And trust me so much more goes with it and remains on her plate. Just one lucky guy here. I know it. I never expect it. I truly appreciate and enjoy it; yeah, thankful too!


As the song goes “Believe me, I know....”


Who else but my Kind Woman – love you Shelly.


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