11.18.2019 (1936 days ago)

My Freak Flag is Waving Proudly

My Freak Flag is Waving Proudly
1936 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Fred has an expression that he often uses that I love, “Let your freak flag fly.” To me, it means that we should freely embrace our individuality.


I have mentioned, in prior blogs, that I enjoy science fiction. Recently, I was in Disney and was able to go The Star Wars exhibit, The Galaxy’s Edge. We were also lucky enough to get on the premier ride, The Millennium Falcon. That morning, I “piloted” a space ship trying to save precious cargo for the Resistance, roamed the planet Batuu, where I purchased goods from some of their many merchants, and had a confrontation with a general from The New Order who, along with his two storm troopers, accused me of being a member of the Resistance. I loved all of it.


The day ended with a visit to Pandora at night, the mythical planet from the movie Avatar. Again, we were able to get on the premier ride. I very loudly, along with several others on the ride, yelled with excitement as I “flew” through the skies of Pandora on my banshee. I happily lost myself in the thrill and beauty of the ride as well as the splendor of Pandora, brilliantly lit at night.


For me, it was one of the best days ever. My freak flag flew high and proud on that day. I think it’s important for all of us to have a freak flag and let it fly free. What makes your freak flag fly?






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