Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.17.2015 (3529 days ago)

My Fitness Age

My Fitness Age
3529 days ago 13 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Following up on last Friday's Three Stages of Life blog, I was pleased to learn that, by one standard of measurement, all my hard work seems to have paid off.

I was reading last week's Science Times and there was an article about Senior Olympians who had been tested for their "fitness age".  The article referenced a web site:  (Try it you might like it. :))

Of course, I immediately went on the site and answered all of the comprehensive questions and BINGO, I'm 44 again!  Pretty great (whether or not it's scientifically accurate)!

Forever Young?

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