Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
10.05.2016 (3063 days ago)

My Feed

My Feed
3063 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:election, Facebook, Editing

It's no surprise that everything around us, effects us.

I've found this to be increasingly evident in my Facebook feed.

Like a garden it needs frequent weeding.

Or, since I'm a filmmaker, it needs good editing.


The hostility this election cycle has revealed is quite upsetting to me.

I know logically that there is so much more hope and joy in the world than can be

found in the nightly news, the front page of the newspaper or my old Facebook feed.

For me, there is nothing to be gained by reading posts about how awful someone is, even when it's really really clever. I prefer to read and see posts of hope, joy, support and the occasional cat video.

And I love that we can decide who gets to show up.

The unfollow and the dreaded unfriend are great tools to me.

Who's in your diet?


Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are.- Alfred Austin

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