Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.05.2023 (461 days ago)

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things
461 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is holiday season which for many translates to gifting season.  This is an unofficial poll question. 


Do you prefer to have input into a gift or is the surprise part of the gift for you?  I know that many take hard positions on either side of this debate. For me, I’m caught in the middle.


One of my favorite gifts (yes this is true) was the year my husband surprised me with a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer I had my eyes on.  Yes, I know it was a kitchen appliance but it was one that I wanted and it felt really good to be heard. [Fast forward, I just bought my son a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer as a combination Hanukah/Birthday gift.  He was thrilled.  What goes around comes around.]


But we also indulge in holiday list making and sharing.  What would make you smile this year, we ask?  Frankly, it is so much fun to engage in that conversation and explore giving large and small to everyone’s delight.  Sure, the surprise is missing but the exercise of list making makes up for it.


When it comes to gifts for you – are you a “surprise” person or a “list maker”?

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