Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.19.2018 (2544 days ago)

My Favorite Groups

My Favorite Groups
2544 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Social media groups that is  -- an amazing resource if you are prepared to embrace it.



Facebook groups offer communities bonded around commonalities. There are Moms Groups, vacation groups, and food groups. Group members who are perfect strangers become friends in the presence of the rest of the community. It’s quite the phenomenon.



Amongst my favorites are the Tri-State Restaurant Club (where I get most of my restaurant recommendations and where David Abeshouse is a star contributor) and Curly Girls! (where I have learned more about product and process than I can begin to explain). I am also a fan of Gluten Free on Long Island and more.



LinkedIn offers a different breed of groups, more substantive and informative perhaps, but no less a sense of community.



Are you a member of any social media groups?

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