Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.03.2023 (771 days ago)

My Doctor Visit

My Doctor Visit
771 days ago 29 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I’ve had a cold for too long. Complication is that my doctor is a thousand miles away.  

After exchanging a number of texts he suggested we have a “Telehealth visit”, so he could see me “face to face and make a plan of action.”

And Telehealth visit we did and after a variety of questions and answers he even asked me to cough. It was an amazing virtual “hands on” experience and he then electronically prescribed medication for me at my nearby local pharmacy.  

My “visit” was so efficient, reassuring and “real”!

All I can say is that if we live long enough we will experience many many more new things under the sun!

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