06.15.2020 (1728 days ago)

My Amazon List

My Amazon List
1728 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


In a blog published a few weeks ago Mitch wrote, “Without looking online, I try to guess what's in the Amazon box that's delivered to my front porch seemingly every day.” Mitch’s words resonated with me as there seems to be a box from Amazon on my doorstep almost every day. And, like Mitch, I usually try to guess what is in the box without looking at the alert on my phone. Almost as if I were getting a present, even though I am paying for the “present.”



I decided to look at our Amazon lists from the beginning of the New York Pause Order to see what it says about the way we’ve been “living” through the quarantine. My husband’s list is filled with purchases of Lysol, disinfectant wipes, and masks. Hy husband is the practical one. He's also an essential employee who worked very hard at keeping his office safe.



My list started with leggings, sweatshirts, and all sorts of K-cups for our Keurig. In the past few weeks my Amazon list had shorts, tee-shirts, and an ice coffee brewer. But last week, my Amazon list included a new skirt to wear in the office as well as a new mouse pad, legal pads, and large envelopes.



I guess my current Amazon list says I’m going back to the office. What does your Amazon list include?






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