Growing up, the topic of proper manners and consideration of others was an important topic for my Mom. We were taught to always say, “please,” thank you,” and “excuse me.” Whenever I called a friend at home I always begin with, “Hello, this is Rona, may I please speak to ____?” I guess with the use of cell phones and caller id, that last lesson is no longer relevant. But, as a Mom, I tried to instill in my children the same lesson-to be considerate of others and mind your manners.
Lately, I have been wondering whether the importance of manners has the same relevance as it did when I was younger. This week, while I tried to get on the subway, a young woman pushed past me trying to get on ahead of me-not an unusual occurrence. When I gave her a “look,” she muttered a perfunctory “excuse me,” and proceeded to plow through other people in her quest to make sure she got on the train. No other “excuse mes” were forthcoming from her.
Am I just being grouchy this morning or are basic manners just not as important as they used to be? When was the last time you heard someone say “please” or “thank you” as if they really meant it?
Posted By : hydrajet