Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
05.11.2016 (3211 days ago)

Movie Therapy

Movie Therapy
3211 days ago 7 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:cinema, therapy, emotions, catharsis

Sometimes I find enjoying a film to be quite cathartic and inspiring, especially if I'm feeling a little "down in the dumps" or sad.

Well, it turns out I'm not the only one who thinks watching a movie can be a very helpful thing to do, there are actually whole doctorates on this very subject, not to mention websites, organizations and meet ups. We can thank the internet for the connection of like minded people.

From WebMD (never use this site if you are actually looking for healthcare):

"Can watching a film like The Departed help you cope with your own betrayals? Does The Queen make you think about your place in class and society? And can a movie like Letters From Iwo Jima teach you anything about war and conflict?

Proponents of cinema therapy say that, in addition to getting award nods, these and other movies can and will change the way we think, feel, and ultimately deal with life's ups and downs.

Audrey Impulse

In what may be the Sundance festival of the cinema therapy world, the Chicago Institute for the Moving Image (CIMI) helps people seeking therapy for depression or other serious psychiatric illnesses, including schizophrenia or amnesia, to write, produce, and direct their own movies."

Maybe we can get some entries to the Gotham Film Festival!

"We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies."

- Walt Disney


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