07.20.2023 (585 days ago)

Mother Nature

Mother Nature
585 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Sunday, we were at an upscale art fair in Southampton. Very upscale.
Big tents set on an open field. Hundreds of galleries.
All of a sudden, we heard what sounded like a train roaring by. There had been the forecast of possible thunderstorms and we quickly realized that the forecasts were, in fact, materializing. But we never expected what was to come.
Soon the water was everywhere. As we debated whether to “wait it out” or “get out before it got worse”, water started to flood the carpeting beneath our feet and the galleries moved artwork to higher ground.
“Get out” was the consensus and through ankle deep water we made it across the field to our car. Drenched.
Roads were flooded and traffic barely moved. If ever there was a time to rely upon GPS, it was now.
Thankful for reception, we followed without question— although we did have to navigate high water and one car that floated by on the other side of the road.
Never before, and, hopefully, never again.
Safe at home. With a new respect for the power of Mother Nature.

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