07.27.2014 (3864 days ago)

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best
3864 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I am at the age when my adult children complain about me the way I used to complain about my parents.  We have some of the same types of discussions and even disagreements my parents and I had thirty years ago.


It reminds me of a Abraham Lincoln story.  He was in court representing a client one afternoon arguing a case.  The judge asked Lincoln if he was not in this same court that morning arguing another case for another client on the same issue, but now was taking the complete opposite position on that issue.  Lincoln said to the judge that in the morning he thought he was right, but this afternoon he is certain of it.


Took me a long time to realize, but my mother was always right after all.  Now I am certain of it.

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