Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.08.2017 (2739 days ago)

Most Interesting Man

Most Interesting Man
2739 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have been mistaken or compared to the Dos Equis beer former pitchman-Most Interesting Man in the World and I have often cracked "I'm his stunt double".

Draw your own conclusion from the above Photo. 

Two weeks ago Debbie Lindner informed me that The Man was appearing at nearby Bottle Buys and urged me to go and meet him. 

In preparation I googled him and learned that the actor portraying the original Most Interesting Man in the World is Jonathan Goldsmith and other interesting facts.

Armed with my facial resemblance and google facts I waited on line to meet him.  When my turn came I took him out of his role by greeting him with "Hello Jonathon, I am your stunt double" and offered to stand in for him and he responded "How about now?" 

Needless to say we got along and he even autographed a bottle of tequila "to my stunt double" and my card with "stay interesting". 

Thank you for the push Debbie and it sure was interesting.  

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