09.22.2014 (3808 days ago)

Morning, Noon, or Night?

Morning, Noon, or Night?
3808 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Fred’s blog about his morning swim made me anxious. I cannot conceive of waking up that early so many mornings in a row to travel to a pool to swim. I practically force myself, by taping my favorite trashy reality television, to wake up forty-five minutes early three days a week to go downstairs and walk on my treadmill. I am definitely not a morning person.

Similarly, when I come home at night, I look forward to cooking dinner and relaxing. To me, cooking is a form of relaxing. I dislike going out during the week and enjoy my tranquil evenings with my family. Generally, during the week, I fall asleep early with my Kindle in my hand. I am absolutely not a night person.

I have come to realize that my most productive time of day is about four o’clock in the afternoon. I love that time of day, when the phones in the office seem to calm down, and I generally get my best work done. My secretary and I joke that I can get four hours of work done between four and six o’clock.

I guess that makes me an afternoon person. What are you?

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