Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
02.01.2017 (2945 days ago)

Month 2 Begins

Month 2 Begins
2945 days ago 6 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Day Launcher, Paul Evans, Concert for America

Here we are. One twelfth of the way through 2017. Is it what you thought it would be? For me, it is very different.


I never thought it would be so good. Or so bad. Mostly kind of amazing.

I have seen astonishing things come from our government, confused people doing surprising things and the greatest unification of people since the 60s. Yes, I was there for those exercises in democracy as well.

I've learned about Third Wave networking.

I realized I was living in paradise, surrounded by love, where anything is possible.


CS Lewis quote

I started something called the Day Launcher, which keeps me clear as to where I'm going, how I'm getting there and what I have to offer.

I took my best support team to a once in a lifetime Concert for America.

I have signed more petitions, made more calls and used the angry emoji more than ever before.

And I have made a renewed commitment to farm the fertile Gotham ground for more exposure to the beautiful humanity that exists here.


I have become more of myself. Opinionated, loud mouthed, connected to the Universe and kind.


I can't wait to see what happens next.


What are your "wins" from January 2017?

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