Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.29.2021 (1233 days ago)

Moderna III

Moderna III
1233 days ago 30 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It amazes me that so many people are reluctant or afraid to be vaccinated. Or have other ill advised reasons.  
We are suffering an ongoing worldwide Pandemic and all the science points to vaccination being the path to herd immunity . And we are so fortunate that vaccinations are available (and free to boot).  

Being of a certain age, we were in the first wave of vaccinations and were fortunate to have received the Moderna vaccine which has the highest efficacy.  

The second was in early March before the advent of the Delta variant and we thought we were out of the woods, but the variant drew us back in.  

We waited for CDC Moderna booster (why only 1/2 dose?) approval and as soon as it happened I was on Google’s Vaccine Finder and I made an appointment at a local Rite Aid and received mine last Saturday (pictured). 

I took a selfie and proudly posted it on social media hoping to set an example. I must say that the post received an unusually high number of Likes and supportive comments :)

If you follow my example please get vaccinated and we can achieve herd immunity and finally be out of the woods!


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