Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.02.2021 (1444 days ago)

Mile Markers

Mile Markers
1444 days ago 41 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My birthday was Tuesday. Fred

Years are the mile markers of life!

Thank you Erin McKenna (and Guy deBoer and Joanne) for allowing me to mark another year (pictured-Erin McKenna photo).  

My goal is to, at least, reach Key Largo and who’s to say?

With Juice Plus (Shelley Simpson), Tequila (5:30 with Bergers), massage (Jill McFadgen), before Pilates Pilates (Molly Ross), daily walks and bike rides (Charcoal and my 2 wheeler), regular exercise (push-ups, crunches, planks, wall squats and swimming), healthy eating (little red meat), early to bed and early to rise (plus naps), psychic compensation (Zooms) and Family (especially Joanne) I’m well on my way!


No doubt, next year I’ll be on the road again to join the octogenarians after still another drive up US-1!

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Why Key Largo? Why not Palm Beach or Boston!
Good Health!

Posted By : david rubin