Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.01.2016 (3252 days ago)

Mile Marker

Mile Marker
3252 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

On Wednesday I passed another mile marker (see photo taken by Rodger Davis). 

They say "It's just a number" and "You look good".  You Look Good!Well, the number is a very heavy mental weight which hangs over me and is never far from my thoughts.  I just can't really believe it.  Nor can I believe Joanne and I will be married 50 years in July. 

I work very hard to keep my body and mind functioning at a high level.  I exercise every day, get 8 hours sleep, take walks with our dog Charcoal, eat well, take vitamins (including Shelley Simpson's Juice Plus), keep a diary, play Lexulous and generally pay a price that most would not be willing to do.  

My generation is so venerable that it precedes the Baby Boomers by 2 years.  Can you believe that? Knowing me how could I be from the Silent Generation?  What a joke!

I see people looking at me (gray and shrinking) as if they are thinking I should act my age, but in my mind I am in my prime and 42.  How dare they!  I've got a lot going on in an active life and a lot more to do and territory to cover. So make way.  

As far as looking good (thanks mom for your genes), I go by the adage that there are three stages in life: Youth, Middle Age and "You Look Good"!

When it is all said and done I am usually the oldest person in the room (unless Spizz is there) and it is what it is and considering the alternative, today is the last day of my "Youth".  So let's celebrate!

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