Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
10.16.2019 (1926 days ago)

Midwest Nice

Midwest Nice
1926 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My little cousin got Himself married last weekend In Chicagoland. Northwest Chicagoland to be precise. About 40 minutes south of Wisconsin. My hometown. If you’ve never taken a trip to a midwest town, I recommend the experience. Each time I take a trip back home the wholesomeness is overwhelming. People actually take the time to speak with you and genuinely want to know how things are going. Apologies come easy, “thank you’s” are at the ready and doing for others is expected and enjoyed. While visiting my family, I even had the privilege of calling in a small brush fire and meeting the firefighters at the scene (Fire Chief happens to be my cousin). Maybe that’s why Gotham feels so familiar. Doing for others is a way of life and when we all give, we take care of each other and form a unit that is self sufficient. Visit Genoa, IL or Hampshire, IL or maybe even Kingston, IL. You’ll be reminded of what a community is all about. - farm town kid.

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