Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
07.01.2020 (1721 days ago)

Midwest Common Sense

Midwest Common Sense
1721 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Picture this midwest evening.... 5 nieces and nephews, sitting in the back of my son’s pick-up truck, watching the sun go down; playing a little Kenny Chesney in the background, whilst the deep voices of the bullfrog weigh into the conversation. Sweet, right!? Evidence of a frisbee toss, badminton gone bad, and silly wiffle golf ball tosses, aimed at each other, admit our demonstration of family love and of our competitive nature with one another. Deep chats, belly laughter, and togetherness. I wouldn’t trade this precious time for all the gold in the world. Each member of our family is a beautiful gem or a unique pearl, more rare than the next. Each precious in their own right. In this family, love and respect, abound. We even washed the grass stains off our bare feet together because we didn’t want to miss one single beat. What kindness did you see today, that declares special opportunity for appreciation of your tribe?

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