Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.02.2016 (3172 days ago)

Maybe we need this

Maybe we need this
3172 days ago 5 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

This made me smile...India is creating a Ministry of Happiness.


This new Ministry will oversea 70 programs. These include, not suprisingly, Yoga, spirituality and the arts. India is not the first country to do so with the UAE and Venezuela having already started happiness bureaus. Even Nicholas Sarkozy, during his tenure as the French President, wanted to introduce a happiness index as an alternative to GDP growth.


Mr. Chouhan, a yoga enthusiast, who will be heading up this new governement agenecy was quoted as saying "happiness does not come into the lives of people merely with materialistic possessions or development, but by infusing positivity in their lives so that they don't take extreme steps like suicide in distress."


Why not make this a campaign issue...

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