Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.03.2020 (1708 days ago)


1708 days ago 35 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I rarely, if ever repeat a blog, but I am compelled to do so because, although posted 6 weeks ago, it is even more relevant and poignant today.


The blog was entitled Typhoid Mary and went as follows:


"Her name was Mary Mallon and she was a rich man's cook in the early 20th century.


Trouble was that she was an asymptomatic carrier of Typhoid Fever.


She denied being "sick" all her life, but she was caught up in the conflict between public health and individual rights. She ended up living out her life in isolation.


Some of us may be asymptomatic carriers of Covid 19 who refuse to wear a mask and take other precautions in public.


Don't be a Typhoid Mary.  Sublimate your individual rights impulse for the greater good!


Please wear a mask!"


At the writing of the original blog New York was The Pandemic Hot Spot and where I was in Florida was nearly pristine. In the subsequent 6 weeks the tables have turned (see blog photo) and Florida cases (Texas too) are out of control, while New York leads the Nation in flattening the Pandemic curve.


When I wrote the original blog I did so innocently and had no political agenda and was nonplussed when it was criticized (go back to the blog and read the comments) therefor. I repeat, this updated blog is written in the same intended innocent urgency as before!


Please wear a mask!  Make whereever you are a pristine Maskerville!

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Excellent important timely blog. After all, we understand the mutual mandated safety issues of wearing a seatbelt, not going 100 mph in a 30 mph zone etc etc - this is life and death - wear a mask when out in public!

Posted By : Janet Oseroff