

1613 days ago 18 comments Categories: Health Tags:Apple Store, iPhone, Roosevelt Field, COVID, Knights of Pythias, Grand Lodge, 46th District, Mt. Sinai Brooklyn, Menorah Center

Shelly left the gym early the other day since once nearby user constantly removed his mask during workouts; of course she complained but the “hall monitors” never seemed to police that location inside. As we dine I shared my experience at the Roosevelt Field Mall Friday afternoon. I visited the Apple Store their by appointment for service on my iPhone (It needed a battery replacement, and I found the repair cost-effective.). It was my first time, post COVID visiting that mall. The Apple Store checked you in and took your temperature and then directed you to a line for repairs outside the store; another outside line accommodated Apple Store shoppers. The line moved quickly. The Apple Store interaction contrasted favorably to my wife’s interaction at the gym.


However, the walk through the mall (I parked near the closest entrance to reach the Apple Store.) remained problematic. Though not crowded – as I might have found it pre-COVID, the mall shoppers often disregarded floor directional markings and some donned their masks in nonuseful manners. Of course the mall clearly requires we protect ourselves and others. The most frequent ‘violation’ involved masks covering mouths but not noses.


What I find different in these COVID times revolves around the utility of making a point of not rushing anywhere. So for example, I find myself stopping often to avoid interacting with others – you know crossing people’s path. I view physical distance in walking around just as important as in stationary settings. This contrasts pre-COVID with brisk walks from points A to B, etc. I find no personal joy in wearing a mask; early on I acquired three featuring the logo of my fave but falling short again sports team (that may change soon based on current events; jury remains out but many of us express hope and look forward). I wear one to protect myself and others and out of respect for others, including strangers.


With the help of public officials and my local community board working through my civic I also distributed masks to neighbors and friends (If you need let me know.). I am also involved with the Knights of Pythias where in New York, local lodges and districts supported by our Grand (State) Lodge, support front line workers. My own 46th District recently fed health care workers at Menorah Center and emergency room workers at Mt. Sinai Brooklyn. We appealed to our members to support this effort; those donating $25 or more receive a mask (see pic upper left) with a Pythian logo.


So while wearing a mask makes a statement, that you care for and respect others (and your own health, too), it also offers an opportunity to make a statement and align your self, with a fave team, a musical artist, a cause. But really just wear one. Please! It does make a difference. Thank you.

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