02.23.2014 (4018 days ago)


4018 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Eve is spotting an irritation on her shoulder, close to her neck.  She asked me to look at it.   I am not a doctor, and there is not much I can say, but I am checking carefully to make sure it does not morph into a Manster.


Do you remember that 1959 horror movie?  It is about an American journalist who travels to Japan to inteview Dr. Suzuki who is running wild experiments on genetics and evolution.   Good Dr. Suzuki decides to use the reporter as a subject so he drugs him and injects a serum into his neck.


Not long after, the reporter's personality starts to change and he feels an irritation on his shoulder.  (The same spot as Eve's, which is why this is so important.)  In a fit of near agony, he rips open his shirt, and there, growing from his shoulder, is an eye.   Of course that is not all.  The eye grows into a full fledged monsterous head about the size of a large grapefruit.  And things get worse still.  The head continues to grow and at the end it splits off as its own body. (The entire movie, or just the clip where he discovers the eye, is on Youtube.) 


Very creepy.  I have to make sure this does not happen to Eve though I do not know the antidote-- the reporter killed Dr. Suzuki so we may never know.  Best just to keep an eye on it.




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