Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
06.03.2015 (3554 days ago)

Man Goin Round Takin Names

Man Goin Round Takin Names
3554 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Thirty-five years ago, I had a friend, maybe just a regular acquaintance, who decided to change her name fom Linda to Caitlin. Some "spiritual adviser" had told the new name had better "whatever" for her. I thought it was the stupidest thing I had heard. Anyway, her name wasn't unappealing before but she changed it.

Of course, I've had the good fortune of being given great names, not just Cayce Crown, but Catherine Calder Crown, quite regal really. Think I have a great career writing romance novels.

I knew a friend of my sweetheart who got married and changed her name to her husbands, certainly a commonplace thing. I've never understood this, let him change his name. i know its "easier" when the whole family has the same last name. However, this was a forward thinking woman, so i challenged her on why she was changing her name. She had just finished chiropractic school, her husband's name was Alter, why wouldn't she want to be Dr. Wacker, her birth name? LOL. That I understand, a chiropractor named Dr. Wacker probably wouldn't do too well...

Ok, so Caitlyn Jenner is doing something far more profound than just changing her name.

Caitlyn Jenner is taking a leap, I don't even fully understand, but I support her 1000%. Nothing more powerful than knowing yourself and finding yourself and being proud of who you really are. I wish her well.

And the other Caitlin, she changed her name again to Sister Whatchamacallit, when she joined some new guru...

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