09.14.2014 (3815 days ago)


3815 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Eve carries her whole life in her handbag.  I am amazed when she pulls out bandaids, alcohol wipes, benedryl, eyeglass cleaner wipes, tylenol, tweezers,  a thermometer, small screwdriver, Qtips, a small flashlight, toothpicks, dental floss and the list goes on.   She would have done really well on Let's Make a Deal.   I tease her about it  and can't imagine why she would always want to lug around so much stuff, but the bandaids have come in handy, I must admit.


My list of carry arounds is pretty short.  I have keys, my wallet, money, train pass, MetroCard, reading glassses and iPhone.  Still, all of that juggling around in my pocket can be annoying, not to mention looking bulky.  What are men to do?


Well, for me, the answer is the sport jacket.  It has plenty of pockets for everything.  But I don't always want to wear a sport jacket, and I am at a loss.


My father had an answer for this.  He had a man bag.  It was a nice small leather bag with a strap and he carried it with him all the time.  The man bag never really caught on.  I am not sure why.  I think it is time to bring it back.  Then I can carry my own bandaids.




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Posted By : hydrajet