Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.13.2022 (1125 days ago)

Making the most of a mild mid-winter day

Making the most of a mild mid-winter day
1125 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The uncharacteristically mild day enjoyed yesterday certainly invited folks to spend time outside. I did. I even donned one my my N95s. Not to protect me around others. The outing remain totally solo. The mask made sense because I opted to go under my deck and clear the leaves that got through. In the past the dirt from the raking and sweeping might induce a round of sneezing. Not this time.


When I envisioned this activity (I view it not as a chore but a form of exercise.), I anticipated just clearing under out deck. As I checked the time on my watch, I found sufficient time remained before darkness arrived to do more. I opted to clear any leaves and down branches that remained after the fall cleanup. Filled two large bags.


And despite all the activity, can report just Doin’ Fine here.


This early mid-winter Spring Cleanup certainly gains me a day for total leisure later this year. 


What to do.


P.S. Superbowl predictions welcome. And if you still need boxes to enjoy the viewing, click here and if interested reach out to this commentator (example found in pic at upper left).

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