Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.11.2018 (2579 days ago)

Making sense

Making sense
2579 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Our Friday blogger “complains” – perhaps mentors – that I use social media not enough. He often cajoles me to post – comment – more, especially on things that matter.  My wife sometimes counters I post too often.  On Facebook some friends (small f intended) may share divergent opinions.   Where facts support another view, I feel compelled to emphasize accuracy (In my practice what we often call "pushback" almost remains a requirement.).


Recently, some friends with whom I share an enjoyment of the music of a particular recording artist agreed we’d focus on that in our social media interactions.


I certainly support discourse and exchange of views but perhaps the forums where we exchange certain commentary require some reconsideration.


It remains a concern when evidence exists of manipulation on some of those media.




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