Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
02.18.2019 (2210 days ago)

Make Sure to Earn Your Salt Today

Make Sure to Earn Your Salt Today
2210 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


My husband might call this an addition to my ever growing “book of useless information.” I was reading the other day about the importance of salt in history. Yes, salt – that condiment that goes great with French fries.

Apparently, in ancient and medieval times, salt was in important form of currency. Great trades took place in the form of salt, given the significance to food preparation and preservation.

Salt was so valuable it seems that Roman soldiers were often actually paid in rations of salt – the origin of the word “salary”.

Similarly, phrases like “earn your salt” or “worth your salt” have their genesis in the value of salt as a currency. These phrases are commonly understood to mean that the person has worked hard and deserves what has been earned.

Just a little interesting information as we all head about our business today.

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