Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.28.2017 (2878 days ago)

Magic Moments

Magic Moments
2878 days ago 37 comments Categories: Games Tags:

My son David and I have played on the Gotham Batmen softball team for many years. 

I am the Batmen pitcher and David plays alongside me at third base. Last week the umpire asked me my age and after telling him I then pointed out that my son was also on the team. 

At the end of the next inning the ump called David and me over and, surprisingly, put his arms around us and tearfully proceeded to tell us that he had lost his dad 12 years ago and missed him every day. He then urged David to cherish the moment and take care of me. 

This was a totally unexpected magic moment which we will treasure and long remember. 

I could say that it can't get any better, but next month David's 18 year old son Jackson will join us on the field as a third generation Batman. 

It's great to be young and a Batman!

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