Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
03.13.2019 (2174 days ago)

Magic Medicine

Magic Medicine
2174 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Remember when you were a little person and you’d get a scratch or boo-boo and your mom would clean it, kiss it, put a band-aid on it and the wound would simply go away in a few days? Turns out, there is something magical about this little recipe.


Recently, I learned a lesson in modern medicine. While medicine continues to make great strides in treating disease, I believe we could do a much better job in dis-ease prevention. It amazes me that our doctors quickly dispense drugs to treat infection, but they do not provide advice on how to bring the body back to health or homeostasis.


I was not satisfied with the advice they gave us when they released my family member from the hospital, so I did my own homework. In addition to my already feverish obsession with food science, I now gave myself the opportunity to learn how to support the body’s built-in healing mechanisms. Food is a piece of the puzzle, but there’s more.


When miracles happen, there are patterns that arise, showing contribution to the body’s own natural healing ability.


It’s all about mind, body and spiritual connection.


What do you think the magic ingredients are, Gotham?

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