Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.10.2022 (1006 days ago)

Lucky Shorts

Lucky Shorts
1006 days ago 21 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Last week I blogged about superstition and negative Jinxes.  This week is the flip side: superstition and good luck charms.  

You all have them and I’m interested in your reveal!

This past week my highly effective good luck charm was/were my “Lucky Shorts”, which I 
wore constantly (except for bedtime) since I went to the Yankee game with Paul Napolitano on 5/31.  

At that time, Paul asked me “Where are your [previous] Lucky Shorts?”   I explained the previous ones had lost their magic and showed him my present ones (pictured with my Aaron Judge Bobble Head Doll) and since that conversation, wear in and wear out, neither my Yankees nor Rangers lost!

This quirk was inspired by the fact that when I was young, Major League teams would not change their uniforms while on a winning streak.  

Well, talk about Jinxes, the ink wasn’t dry on this blog when the Rangers lost.  Which takes us back to last week's blog and just goes to show you about jinxing yourself :(

And yes, I'm wearing a new pair of shorts looking to start a new winning streak :)

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