Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.16.2022 (820 days ago)

Lost in the Amazon

Lost in the Amazon
820 days ago 25 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

My wife couldn’t get the Amazon app to open on her computer, but I could on my phone.  So I agreed to help, in my way, with her holiday shopping.  

And so began the following innocent, incompetent and frustrating adventure exploring the Amazon.

In my own way, I then ordered the wrong thing or the wrong size or the wrong color.  Or I ordered the right thing in the right size and right color in doubles.

When I say doubles I’m not talking candy bars, I’m talking about an item costing lots of dollars.  

My first reaction was creative.  I’ll just give the second one to our other son.  

Then I discovered a cancellation button which I pushed with relief. But moments later I received a “Too Late” message.  

So what to do?

I forged ahead (doubled down if you will) and cancelled them both and now can only hope for the best :)

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I keep being charged 9.99 when it says 1.99

Posted By : Preston Gidcher