03.21.2024 (340 days ago)

Lord Byron

Lord Byron
340 days ago 11 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

One of our favorite restaurants is Ada’s on the River in Alexandria, Virginia. It is named and themed after Ada Lovelace, known for her revolutionary impact on mathematics and computing in the early nineteenth century. She is also referred to as the first computer hacker.
My favorite cocktail at Ada’s was the Lord Byron, appropriately named after Ada’s father.
Last Friday, I was shocked to learn that Lord Byron was no longer offered at Ada’s.
Later, during dinner, the manager came over to talk to his favorite out-of-town “regulars”.
As we talked, I mentioned that I was mourning the demise of Lord Bryon.
“Isn’t it awful?” he replied.
I must have looked a little inquisitive by his dramatic response. He recounted how guests at a private party had taped balloons to the portrait of Lord Byron in the private dining room. The tape has damaged the painting which was about to undergo restoration.
“Then I mourn the double demise of Lord Byron, because I was referring to the drink.”
Next time, I hope both tributes to Lord Byron are back.

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