10.17.2022 (872 days ago)

Look Up!!!

Look Up!!!
872 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We recently went to see The Who at UBS. It was a great show. I cannot believe the level of performance that Roger Daltrey and Pete Townhsend are still capable of. 


I did notice one disturbing trend. The person next to me was texting throughout the performance. Although she was bopping to the music, she barely looked up at the stage. The person in front of me was watching the performance through his phone, obviously videotaping it.  He too, though, never looked up. 


I felt like reprimanding the both of them, “Look up!!! Enjoy the reality of what is right in front of you.” But, of course, I did not. 


I am fearful that we are becoming a society of people who are keeping  their heads down in their phones and missing the beauty of what is in front of them. Do you feel the same?

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