12.18.2017 (2625 days ago)

Living With My Fears

Living With My Fears
2625 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

In an effort to find a favorite blog for the Gotham Gazette I read a few of my older blogs. One of first blogs concerned an attempt to overcome a personal fear. Rereading the blog several years later inspired me to revisit the topic.


As many may know I love to travel. As many of you may not know I am an extremely  fearful flyer. In that blog, I wrote about my fear of flying and wrote about my intent to overcome the fear.  Yet, here I am several years later still a very fearful flyer, but with thousands of air miles travelled.


I have been somewhat embarrassed to discuss this fear, afraid that it makes me appear weak or irrational. But I have come to realize that  managing my phobia-- and not allowing it to control my actions -- actually makes me a strong person.  So, while I am still a very fearful flyer, I will continue to do what I have to do so that I can travel to the countries that I wish to see.


What makes you strong?





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