10.14.2019 (1973 days ago)

Living With Costco

Living With Costco
1973 days ago 14 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:


A little over a year ago I wrote a blog about the conflict in my town concerning the opening of Costco. Approximately eighteen months later, all the struggles have quieted down and Costco has become a way of life.



We find ourselves going to Costco about once a week. I have, essentially, stopped making roasted chicken or homemade chicken soup because I cannot make either less expensive than it is to purchase it ready made in Costco. We even bought a new couch, as well as matching throw pillows,  for our sunroom at Costco  after looking at several reputable furniture stores and not finding what we wanted. The moment I saw the couch in Costco I knew it was exactly what I wanted at an extremely reasonable price.



I have found that I have my “go to” items at Costco. I usually never leave without a rotisserie chicken, chicken soup, fresh fish, and produce. Are you a Costco shopper? What are your “go to” items?

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