11.17.2016 (3032 days ago)


3032 days ago 4 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Here's how it was related to me: Flo was having a manicure a few days after the election. Her conversation with Maggie, her manicurist, was disrupted by the loud one-sided cell phone conversation of another patron. (Yes, the salon requests that cellphones not be used.) Flo and Maggie were discussing the results of the election. Since Maggie lives in an immigrant community, the outcome was of special importance to her. The customer, who finally ended her "advice column" conversation, turned to Flo and angrily said "Would you stop talking? I like him and I don't want to hear what you're saying." I have found the nail salon decorum to be more observed in the breach. Beyond that issue is the larger one: There will be a lot heard that people don't like hearing and we all need to figure out a way to listen, allow for what is being said, respond appropriately, and then listen again.

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